The Good Care Guide, as many care providers know, costs £72 per year for a subscription. The two major benefits of subscription are that:

  1. you can add information about your service to their site (which is of questionable value as the site will already have a link to your own website, which is surely a better shop window)
  2. you get informed when a member of the public comments on your service

In order to subscribe you need agree to their draconian terms and conditions, which exclude:

all and any losses, liabilities, claims, damages, expenses or costs (whether arising as a consequence of negligence or otherwise) arising in connection with…the inaccuracy, incompleteness or tardiness of any information supplied through the service

We don’t think that this is fair on providers (particularly smaller providers) so we are launching a service that will let you know when someone comments on your business on the Good Care Guide site.

Our new version of launched today will send registered providers an email soon after a review of their business is posted on the Good Care Guide (as long as it remains possible - for obvious reasons we cannot offer any service level agreements) for FREE!*

If you are already subscribed to BetterCareGuide and set up to receive notifications of reviews then you don’t need to do anything (apart from tell other providers about this!). If you are a provider and want to know how to subscribe to the site then visit the guide for providers page.

  • at least for the time being - we may need to introduce some charging at some point if the traffic increases too much and we don’t make enough from our pledgie, but if you sign up before that point the service will remain free